Is what matters the most
All products with a Pharma Bavaria International label are released according to European regulations and are subject to a four-step quality assuring system.
Only with this commitment to quality, Pharma Bavaria International can fulfil and ensure the highest standards, which are an essential part of our brand promise.
well-being of all patients.
This commitment is brought to action in our 4-step quality-driven Pharma Bavaria International PRES System.

PRES System
Pharma Bavaria International gets all of its products manufactured in over 20 different top EU-GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) certified and audited sites.
We constantly monitor and review the quality of the sites as well as the production parameters, to ensure that our high internal standards are fully met.
All finished Pharma Bavaria International products, which are released according to the EU- GMP standards, will undergo two additional quality checks, one administrative and one EU-GDP (Good Distribution Practice) release by highly qualified and trained Pharma Bavaria International professionals before the final release. Latest track-and-trace (serialization) and tamper evidence technologies are applied.

We are ensuring that all quality and safety measures are guaranteed throughout the entire supply chain (including cold chain and narcotic product handling) and according to the legal requirements of each territory, where our products are sold.
At Pharma Bavaria International we work closely with our local distribution and marketing partners to ensure the highest levels of Health Care Professional-to-Patient communication in terms of safe use of our products and best compliance measures. A PhV (Pharmacovigilance) system aligned with EU-GPhVP (Good Pharmacovigilance Practice) standards is applied, supporting our international export markets also with local and regional PhV systems: Securing the best possible safety for the patient.